تحميل تطبيقالدافور

The Swedish soccer (football) team ________ Vietnam 3-0.
My team always ________.
Kobe Bryant had a terrible game. He ________ most of his shots.
The 2012 Olympics will take ________ in London.
The United States usually wins a lot of ________ during the Olympics.
My personal trainer told me to ________ (my muscles) before every workout to avoid getting hurt.
I ________ ( = lift weights, go to the gym) twice a week.
I ________ ( = run) in the park almost every day.
The ________ of baseball are very difficult to understand for people who don't know the game.
David Beckham is a popular soccer player. He ________ teams last year, and now plays for the L.A. Galaxy.
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تحميل تطبيقالدافور
