تحميل تطبيقالدافور

The girl that you are engaged to is your .............
An informal way of saying "they got married" is "they tied the ..........
He's not a good husband. He .............. on his wife with other women.
When they got engaged, he gave her a beautiful ............ ring.
"Head over ........... " means "very much in love".
I thought it was love, but it was only an ............. that lasted for three months.
If you don't want to get pregnant, you should always use ............
A ......... person is one who shows a desire to control or dominate his/her partner.
Don't bother asking her out. She has a ..............boyfriend.
I find her very ..............
اضغط هنا لمشاهدة إجاباتك
تهانينا !! لقد أنهيت المستوى بنجاح.
للأسف !! لم تنهي المستوى بنجاح. حاول مرة أخرى.
لقد حصلت على من 10 إجابة صحيحة. وحصلت على () نقاط.

تحميل تطبيقالدافور
