تحميل تطبيقالدافور

Could I have my mail ____________ ( = redirected) to my new address?
Do you ____________ on Saturdays?
How much do you _____________ for this service? = How much does this service cost?
Can I get a ______________? ( = proof that I paid)
This is the only ______________ that I have.
How long does it ________________ for a letter to get to England?
You can _________________ this parcel online. ( = see the status/location of the parcel)
Do you sell _____________ boxes?
The _____________ ( = person I'm sending this to) is my mother.
"Insufficent _____________" refers to when not enough money was paid to deliver the letter/package, etc.
اضغط هنا لمشاهدة إجاباتك
تهانينا !! لقد أنهيت المستوى بنجاح.
للأسف !! لم تنهي المستوى بنجاح. حاول مرة أخرى.
لقد حصلت على من 10 إجابة صحيحة. وحصلت على () نقاط.

تحميل تطبيقالدافور
