/ لغة انجليزية
/ مفردات 1
/ المستوى 3
I'm sorry, but my meal is cold, could you please ________ for me?
I'm sorry, but my meal is cold, could you please ________ for me?
After that meal I was quite ________.
After that meal I was quite ________.
Whatever you can't finish, you can take home in a ________.
Whatever you can't finish, you can take home in a ________.
Knives, spoons, and forks = ________.
Knives, spoons, and forks = ________.
I ________ steak but the waiter brought me fish.
I ________ steak but the waiter brought me fish.
In most fancy restaurants, the ________ is usually excellent.
In most fancy restaurants, the ________ is usually excellent.
A restaurant where customers serve themselves is called a ________.
A restaurant where customers serve themselves is called a ________.
If your waiter/waitress provided good service, you should leave a big ________.
If your waiter/waitress provided good service, you should leave a big ________.
McDonald's is a ________ restaurant.
McDonald's is a ________ restaurant.
We're not paying together. We are on separate ________.
We're not paying together. We are on separate ________.
اضغط هنا لمشاهدة إجاباتك
تهانينا !! لقد أنهيت المستوى بنجاح.
للأسف !! لم تنهي المستوى بنجاح. حاول مرة أخرى.
لقد حصلت على من 10 إجابة صحيحة. وحصلت على () نقاط.