تحميل تطبيقالدافور

I telephoned you yesterday afternoon but you didn't answer.
Tell me about the report. What do you make of it?
I've been having some pain in my joints, especially the knee.
Just look at the crowd today. I guess more and more people want to keep fit.
Mum told me to tidy up the storeroom and I can't do it alone.
I cycle to university every morning. Would you like to come along one day?
Are you happy with the exam results?
We certainly have a lot of question to review for our history exam.
Would you like to go skiing this weekend?
Do you know when the rent is due?
اضغط هنا لمشاهدة إجاباتك
تهانينا !! لقد أنهيت المستوى بنجاح.
للأسف !! لم تنهي المستوى بنجاح. حاول مرة أخرى.
لقد حصلت على من 10 إجابة صحيحة. وحصلت على () نقاط.

تحميل تطبيقالدافور
